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Paper Marquetry / Mosaic technique : Using monoprints, left over lithographs and etchings, or ink and crayon on paper, I hand cut each element of the drawing to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and then glue them on to a coloured base layer (to allow the joins to show up in complement to the colours of the image). In the image of a theatre, Act II, I used only ink and crayon, drawing most of the specific elements and using the collage/marquetry technique to define larger elements of the image (such as the backdrop, stage set and certain props).

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(Studio, Kitchen, Cafe, Theatre) Two versions of each image, the first a precise paper marquetry/mosaic made with left-over lithographs, screen-prints, etchings and coloured paper, where each element is hand cut to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and then glued onto a coloured sheet of paper (to allow the occasional gaps and imprecisions to be a functioning part of the image), and the second a traditional collage technique (gluing elements on top of each other) using the scrap material generated by the first with additions using pencil, crayon and ink.

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